So when I got a little chubby (OK fat) my mania was replaced by an intense desire to sleep. My fine physician, who I adore and trust unequivocally, told me that my life's problems could be traced to one source. One. ONE. That is powerful stuff people. To know that everything that ails you might in fact be cured and/or eliminated by the removal of one tiny little thing. In my case the thing was sleep. More likely the thing was a bad genetic lot but we're blaming sleep because it's easier to fix than genetics. Anyway, melatonin blah blah blah. I guess humans are supposed to sleep more than like an hour a day. Sheesh. The nerve of scientific researchers to come up with these ideas. Sleep. I think we might have touched on this before, but then I'm probably confusing this with my other blog.
This is typically how my week goes. Well let's do this upcoming week because it is an actual example of how my week will go. Today is Sunday. Which means church basically all flippin day. Don't misunderstand me, I like to get my worship on as much as the next dude, but dang three hours is a long time. An extension of the 3 hour church experience, we keep the rest of the Sabbath holy which essentially means I get nothing down around here except sitting here worrying about all the things I'm not getting done. Anyway Sunday. That's it. Monday I work. So Monday day I will futz around here trying to recover from Sunday. Go to the store to buy all things I realized that I needed on Sunday. Do all the laundry created on Sunday. Try to do the homework I avoided on Sunday. And a bunch of other stuff I could have done on Sunday, or made my children do on Sunday, if I weren't so busy keeping it holy and setting a good example and all that. Work out because I have to. And I will at some point, and probably unsuccessfully, try to nap before I pick the kids up at 2:27, 2:47 and 2:57. Then I will run around like a mad woman trying to help small people with long division and algebra before I quickly throw some food together that we can enjoy as a family because we do like to see each other for about 5 minutes a day. Then I will work all night. ALL night. I will get home at about 7 and throw some breakfast and lunch together and take the small people to school. After that I will go to the gym to physically torture myself for a minimum of an hour. This due to the health and fitness full time obsession. THen I will come home and drug up on some Ambien in the hopes of getting some sleep, which will of course be futile, because let's face it, people aren't supposed to sleep when the sun is up. I'll do the same routine and Monday afternoon, only I'll be a walking zombie. Wednesday morning will be a blur of exhaustion and more gym time. I don't work three in a row this week so I probably won't completely feel like dying on Wednesday. The rest of the week will be taking small people here and there and working again on Friday night. There will inevitably be three days this week where I get less than 2 hours of sleep. So you can see the issue. Sleep.
For now I will stop because I am depressing even myself and, well frankly, I don't think blogging qualifies as keeping the Sabbath day holy at all.